Across several studies, Kellogg’s Maryam Kouchaki and her colleagues find that people in positions of structural power report less inequity in their organizations than other employees, in part because they identify more with their workplace. This has consequences for managers’ support… Continue Reading →
Has feeling undervalued and overwrought at work made you want to exit stage left? I read an interesting book where a psychology expert explains how to differentiate temporary dissatisfaction from a deeper need to make that move. This crisis of… Continue Reading →
Dit is weer eens een andere visie op welke beroepsgroepen te maken krijgen met verandering door verdergaande automatisering, en eens geen doemdenkend verhaal… Lees verder en weet dat dit integraal is overgenomen van het FD, waarvoor dank! Kunstmatige intelligentie belooft… Continue Reading →
The way in which organizations manage people used to be relatively straightforward. For more than two decades, multinational companies generally adopted a combination of HR business partners, centers of excellence, and shared service centers, adjusting these three elements to fit each… Continue Reading →
I did check out which one of these 11 Start-ups are still alive: And its seems all but 1, that’s a nice score! Then I dinged into using AI for a while and read the following from HBR Jessica… Continue Reading →
finding subtle bias in job ads Without realising it, we all use language that is subtly ‘gender-coded’. Society has certain expectations of what men and women are like, and how they differ, and this seeps into the language we use…. Continue Reading →
We want companies to take a stand. Gen-Zers grew up in the era of social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo. For most of our lives, we’ve been immersed in fast-paced political discussions on social media. Regardless of our political leanings,… Continue Reading →
De survey “Unemployed but happy?” is gesloten, super dank voor jullie input! Werkloosheid is nooit leuk. Toch is het belangrijk om ook in moeilijke tijden positief en gemotiveerd te blijven doorzetten. Voor de sectie psychologie van de open Universiteit hebben we… Continue Reading →
While some of the roles identified are entirely new positions, others are new responsibilities that are becoming increasingly important as HR re-imagines and reboots its strategy in light of the pandemic. All 21 jobs embody five core themes: Individual and… Continue Reading →
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